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sábado, 27 de agosto de 2022


Dear Customers,

We sell a wide range variety of tools from the current top leading Email Leads to the current current leading email extractor such as the GOOGLE MAPS BUSINESS EXTRACTOR to other important tools which we believe you will need. GOOGLE MAPS BUSINESS EXTRACTOR extracts emails and other contact information from both private and company emails leads from different countries with any category input of your choice such as (Medical,Engineering,Sales, Marketing, Construction e.t.c). With this amazing Extractor you can GET the following contact information such as Business Name, Phone, Email, City, State, Postal Code, Website e.t.c.

We are here to help your businesses GROW and MULTIPLY!

(1) GOOGLE MAPS BUSINESS EXTRACTOR ((US$100 Now On sale For US$50.00))

(2) Purchase #3,350,000 FACEBOOK Emails for price of ((US$100 Now On sale For US$70.00))

(3) Purchase #3,350,000 YAHOO Emails for price of ((US$100 Now On sale For US$70.00))

(4) Purchase #3,350,000 HOTMAIL Emails for price of ((US$100 Now On sale For US$70.00))

(5) Purchase #3,350,000 GMAIL Emails for price of ((US$100 Now On sale For US$70.00))

(6) Purchase #3,350,000 MSN Emails for price of ((US$100 Now On sale For US$70.00))

(7) Purchase #3,350,000 AOL Emails for price of ((US$100 Now On sale For US$70.00))

(8) We sell RDP Bruter (NL Brute or Dubrute or RDP Forcer Softwares) and will teach you step by step on how to use it in order to get more RDPs and not rely on buying RDPs everyday anymore. Price-US$350.00 Now on Sale for US$200.00

(9) RDP Recognizer- This scans for exact, accurate and existing RDP IPs from the IP Range- Price-$70.00 Now on Sale for US$50.00

(10) SQL Injection DUMPER Tool V10.3. Price-US$550.00 Now on Sale for US$300.00
Technical Details
SQLi Dumper is a robust tool that can load all forms of data; databases, tables, columns, and rows. In addition to the attributes listed above, the injection tool also contains an online site scanner with multiple search engines (Google/Yahoo/Bing/Sapo/Altavista/Terravista e.t.c) that can scan for vulnerabilities in real-time and produce results extraordinarily fast – using search engine artifacts to not trip virus/malware scanning sensors. SQLi Dumper can perform brute force injections. Dumper has a full schema dump for MySQL v.10.3, can display data dumped with grids, has ability to export as .txt or .xml, supports custom queries, allows MySQL brute forcing, supports HTTP proxies, and contains a GeoIP database – plus more.

(11) Gmail Cracker. A very resourceful tool to scan for Gmail emails accounts, their usernames and passwords. Price-$70.00 Now on Sale for US$50.00

(12) HSCAN GUI SMTP CRACKER. Price-$70.00 Now on Sale for US$50.00 (With Usernames and Passwords Free)

(13) X-SCAN SMTP CRACKER. Price-$70.00 Now on Sale for US$50.00 (With Usernames and Passwords Free)

(14) Free RDP Scanner. Price-$70.00 Now on Sale for US$50.00 (With Usernames and Passwords Free)

(15) SANMAO IP SMTP CRACKER. Price-$20.00 Now on Sale for US$10.00 (With Usernames and Passwords Free)

(16) SANMAO EMAIL-SMTP CRACKER. Price-$20.00 Now on Sale for US$10.00 (With Usernames and Passwords Free)

(17) Windows SMTP Bruteforce Scanner - Ar3s. Price-$70.00 Now on Sale for US$50.00 (With With Full Combo List of Usernames and Passwords Free)

(18) Speed SMTP Scanner v2.5. (This powerful fast tool will scan for SMTP and produce smtp IP results only that will not request for username or password during email/leads sending email so no stress for username or password all you have is the SMTP IP only and it works and delivers excellently. Price-$70.00 Now on Sale for US$50.00

(19) KPORT IP Scanner. This scans for IP Ranges of any port. Example RDP Port 3389 0r SMTP Port 25. Price--$30.00 Now on Sale for US$20.00

(20) MASSCAN All Network Port Scanner- A very resourceful, very fast and powerful tool to scan much IP Range of of any Port within a very short time . Price-$70.00 Now on Sale for US$50.00

(21) MEGA CHECKER- Checking and Getting Results For Email Usernames and Passswords from any Combo list. Price-$150.00 Now on Sale for US$100.00

(22) MAIL ACCESS/CHECKER- Checking and Getting Results For Email Usernames and Passswords from any Combo list. Price-$150.00 Now on Sale for US$100.00

(23) Email Combo Leecher and Searcher to get Usernames and Passwords - Searching For Email Usernames and Passswords. Price-$70.00 Now on Sale for US$50.00

(24) Email Finder (With a Yellow Pigeon Symbol)- Scanning directly from email server with multi-threading such as Gmail, Hotmail e.t.c. -Price-$70.00 Now on Sale for US$50.00

(25) NL CHECKER- This amazing software checks the already scanned RDP IPs list for a more exact and accurate results of RDP IPs in a faster mode. Price-$70.00 Now on Sale for US$50.00

(26) We do sell already Scanned and Ready for use RDP IPs Combo/List with Port 3389 for Good RDP results worldwide. In this a area we have done the job for you by scanning and verying all RDP IPs with Good and Accurate Results. Price-$70.00 Now on Sale for US$50.00 (1m IP list worldwide mixed countries)

(27) Smart Serial Mailer- Email sender. Price-$20.00 Now on Sale for US$10.00

(28) Turbo Mailer with Licence key- Price-$20.00 Now on Sale for US$10.00

(29) AMS with Licence key- Price-$20.00 Now on Sale for US$10.00

(30) Windows Client Generator (Generates a portable RDP Client on your PC Desktop). Price-$20.00 Now on Sale for US$10.00 only.

(31) Gammadyne email sender (A very powerful and resourceful email sender software) Price-$20.00 Now on Sale for US$10.00

(32) Memory Reduction (very powerful and automatic memory cleaner. This stand-alone tool/software can be set to clean periodically with an in-built timer and planner. Price-$20.00 Now on Sale for US$10.00

(33) Proxy Scanner-(A very good tool to search for good Proxies). Price-$20.00 Now on Sale for US$10.00

(34) Socket Tool - This is a very powerful and resourceful tool that will make your network 10x faster than the usual speed and has in-built proxy and tunnelier (You will enjoy it!). Price-$20.00 Now on Sale for US$10.00

(35) Xrdp - A very useful and resoureful tool used to create your own personal RDP User inside another RDP with any username and password of your choice. (Note: Please ensure you save the usename and password created) Price-$20.00 Now on Sale for US$10.00

(36) List Manager - Best tool for email sorting by username, suffix and prefix and also comes with a filter. Price-$20.00 Now on Sale for US$10.00

(37) PC Desktop Locker- This tool will help you lock your PC Desktop which allow you to create your own usename and password of choice (Good for Privacy). Price-$20.00 Now on Sale for US$10.00

(38) Windows Defender Control (This tool Deactivates and Blocks Windows Defender anti-virus in any PC or RDP. Price-$20.00 Now on Sale for US$10.00

(39) Keyboard Freeze & Mouse Locker (This tool will prevent external users from penetrating your computer by freezing your computer Keyboard and Mouse). Price-$20.00 Now on Sale for US$10.00 each.

(40) Clean Master (A very good stand-alone memory cleaning software that does not need any kind of installation). Price-$20.00 Now on Sale for US$10.00

(41) Ultimate PSN Checker- Upon request

(42) Netflix Checker-Upon request

(43) Woxy 3.0 Checker- Upon request

(44) Blazing Dork- Upon request


(46) Silver Bullet- upon request

(47) Open Bullet- upon request


You can contact us via EMAIL:, on how you can make payment through our Perfect Money or Bitcoin account.

We will send to you your purchased product(s) right away immediately after your payment confirmation. If you are new to Perfect Money and Bitcoin respectively, you can signup here;, .We also accept western union with any purchase of US$100.00 and above. Please indicate your order accordingly by the itemized serial number as listed above in brackets. Order is on first come first serve basis.

Thank you all for your continued patronage as we will continue to give you the best products and services.

Kevin B.
For; Athentic General Tools Worldwide

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